Established as a complete online secondary school since 2005 and the largest of its kind in the UK, InterHigh delivers a fully interactive, accredited British education to UK and overseas students across KS3, KS4 and KS5. Students are welcomed from all ability levels and can study from a range of 24 subject areas.
\nThe challenge was to create a fully-fledged, attention-grabbing campaign to be featured on Waterloo Motion and throughout the transport stations.
\nThe goal was to increase enrollment for InterHigh, to raise awareness about it and encourage parents to explore and discover InterHigh as a new option for their children for the school term.
\nFocused around the idea of a digital school that students can attend from the comfort of their own home, abroad or elsewhere, the advert featured graphical patterns and bold elements that convey a digital age feel combined with deep gradient backgrounds to help emphasize the text and message.
\nAs the advert had a limited 20 seconds in length, it meant that it had to be easy to understand and strong in their messages. It had to be very short and straightforward — leading the advert in with intrigue, hitting the selling points of the school’s quality and flexibility and allowing the person to understand what the school is. \n
\nThe final campaign was displayed throughout Waterloo Station in London, catching parents on their commute.